Sunday Services: 8:30 am - In-person & communion each Sunday
11:00 am - In-person & Livestream, Communion first Sunday of the month


BUILD, Building a United Interfaith Lexington through Direct Action, is a self-sustaining proactive organization of 26 diverse congregations focused on powerfully addressing serious community issues which are identified each Fall at congregant's House Meetings. In 2003, Second Presbyterian's Rev. David Renwick and Rev. Joseph Owens, Shiloh Baptist recognized that 'to do justice', Micah 6:8, will require power in large numbers of organized people to hold our public officials accountable to solve these problems. Thereby, BUILD was formed and they served as first co-presidents. After months of research on these problems conducted by BUILD's members meeting with experts, city officials are presented with a reasonable, well researched solution and invited to the annual Nehemiah Action Assembly. At this community gathering, they will be asked to make specific commitments of action to the hundreds of people from BUILD's member congregations. The 2023 Assembly was attended by more than 1,200 people.

One of BUILD's most notable successes, a campaign that lasted 7 years, was winning an Affordable Housing Fund commitment from Mayor Gray and city council. Since 2014, over 3,080 families have safe, affordable housing and over $352 million have been leveraged in our community. After a 3 year campaign, in 2021 Fayette Co Public Schools contracted with the International Institute for Restorative Practices to train ALL teachers and staff in their model to address high suspensions and racial disparities in discipline. FCPS administrators have committed to reaching this goal within 2 years.

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