- Requests for use of the church facilities should be made in writing on the Facility Use Request Form linked below. Most facility reservations need to be made at least thirty days in advance of the event.
- Among the criteria considered in reviewing the facility request are the following:
- Sponsorship of request by a staff or Second Presbyterian Church member (Sponsor) who will attend the event and will be responsible for ensuring adherence to these guidelines.
- Use for charitable or nonprofit purpose
- Availability of facility and/or staff
- Nature of the activity
- Number of people in attendance
Second Church reserves the right to deny the use of its facilities to any group.
Note: No group or individual, including any member of the church, may sell products or services on church property without the acknowledgment and consent of the Session. In no event, shall any proceeds of allowed sales enure to any for-profit organization.
- The Church Use Committee or the appropriate church staff person will review the request and indicate a decision on the Facility Use Request Form. Initial approval for events involving 50 people or less may be given by a member of the church staff on behalf of the Church Use Committee, the approved Facility Use Request Form should be brought to the event by the Second Church Sponsor or Group Representative.
- Groups are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages onto church property with the exception of the specific use of alcoholic beverages provided for in the booklet entitled, “A Planning for a Church Wedding,” published by the Second Presbyterian Church Music and Worship Committee.
- No one is allowed to bring firearms or other weapons onto church property.
- Smoking and the use of any illegal substances are not permitted on church property.
- Children and youth using the church must be supervised by adults at all times.
- A group may bring pre-prepared food only to an event. For events involving food, the group will need to provide its own serving pieces, utensils, flatware, dishes, napkins, placemats/tablecloths, condiments (e.g., sugar, creamer, salt, pepper), etc.
- Chairs and tables may be rearranged by members of the visiting group but must be replaced in the original arrangement by members of the group before leaving the building. There will be no custodial help available to set-up or clean-up unless special arrangements have been made, in advance, through the church office. Charges for custodial help are set forth on the Facility Use Request Form.
- Trash generated during the meeting should be removed from the building and deposited in the dumpster and trash cans relined. To comply with health regulations, all food must be removed from the building before the group leaves.
- Groups may be required to employ custodial or security services at the cost indicated on the Facility Use Request Form.
- Groups may request facility use during office hours between 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday or by special arrangement through the office for security as indicated on the Facility Use Request Form.
- The group agrees to respect the use of the facility and protect the facility and furnishings from damage. The Second Church Sponsor or Group Representative will be responsible for ensuring that the group is accountable for any damage. Should damage occur, the church must be reimbursed for expenses within 30 days of presentation of an itemized list of damage and associated cost for repair.
- Use of the building by outside groups must be concluded by 9:00 p.m.
- Second Church reserves the right to withdraw permission to use its facilities to any group at any time with reasonable notice. Failure by members of a visiting group to adhere to these guidelines will result in immediate termination of the use of the facilities of Second Presbyterian Church.
- The Second Church Sponsor or Group Representative acknowledges that he/she has examined the Church facility and that the facility is adequate and acceptable for the safe completion of the activity planned. The Second Church Sponsor or Group Representative will be responsible for supervision of persons who come onto Church property for the Non-Church Group use and will ensure the safe use of Church facilities or equipment.
- Second Presbyterian Church, its officers, or its staff will not be held responsible or liable for any accident, injury or death that could occur to members of visiting groups while using the Church facilities. The Second Church Sponsor or Group Representative agrees that the visiting group will indemnify and hold harmless Second Presbyterian Church, its officers, and its staff from any liability, expenses, or costs arising out of the visiting group's activity on or use of Church property.
- The Church Use Committee and or the appropriate staff person may request a certificate of insurance from the group depending on the activity and the specific Church space used.
- Note that the church is protected by a security & camera system to be armed by church staff at the end of an event.