8:30 Service: In-person, Communion every Sunday ~ 11:00 Service: In-person & Livestream

Kids for the Kingdom Choir

Our Children's Choir, Kids of the Kingdom, is connected to our children's worship (WOW) during the ll:00 service each week. As part of WOW, children learn songs, breathing techniques, and play instruments. Twice a year (October and May) children are invited to sing for the congregation during the service as the Kids of the Kingdom Choir. Every December, all children are invited to participate in our Christmas Pageant.

Our children sing in worship twice a year. Click the images below to watch us sing this past October and May!

We presented our 2023 Christmas Pageant, Love Came Down to Bethlehem!

Click the picture below to watch it and see pictures!

Jami Hart

Children's Choir Director

Jami is excited to be returning to Second Presbyterian! She has a degree in music education and has been teaching music for over 10 years now. She's so happy to be back and help the children learn about their faith through music! In her free time, she enjoys playing video games, learning to paint, and spoiling her kitty named Solfege.

Jami Hart

Children's Choir Director

Jami loves making music with the children and youth of Second Presbyterian! She has a degree in music education and has been teaching music for over 10 years. She is also the Communications Specialist here at Second, and loves being able to share her creativity with the church. In her free time, she enjoys playing video games, learning to paint, and spoiling her kitty named Solfege.

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