Sunday Services: 8:30 am - In-person & communion each Sunday
11:00 am - In-person & Livestream, Communion first Sunday of the month

Discipleship Pathway

At Second Presbyterian Church, we believe that a disciple is a follower of Jesus Christ who is committed to:

Belonging to the Church (The Body of Christ)

The promise of the Church is that we do not walk alone. From the waters of baptism to the grave, we walk together. Some go before us; others come after us. But wherever we find ourselves on the pathway, Jesus leads us onward. (Hospitality, Worship)


Becoming More Like Jesus

Jesus embodied the fruit of the Spirit, which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. We recognize that these gifts don’t just happen on their own. They take practice, accountability, and grace when we don’t get it right. (Learning, Loving)


Joining in God’s Work in the World in All the Places Jesus Leads

Jesus told us that God’s realm was at hand, and you are invited to live in it now. We begin to discern where we see God at work, and then we commit to joining in God’s work for the healing of the world. As you go deeper in your practice of the Christian faith, you will find you look for ways to let God use your life to love and serve others, and to invite them to join you on the Discipleship Pathway. (Service, Generosity)

On our Discipleship Pathway, we focus on six practices that will encourage authentic discipleship, as well as inspire lifetime growth in your faith:

For some of these practices, you may be just beginning, which we call the “Exploring” Stage. As you take your next steps, you’ll move along the Discipleship Pathway through the following stages: “Exploring” to “Growing,” to “Going Deeper.” 

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