Sunday Services: 8:30 am - In-person & communion each Sunday
11:00 am - In-person & Livestream, Communion first Sunday of the month

Carillon Handbell Choir

The Carillon Handbell Choir is a volunteer handbell ensemble which presents occasionally at our Sunday morning worship services. No previous experience is required to be a member. Church members, community members, youth, and adults are welcome to join. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 – 7:00 PM in the Handbell Choir Room 201. For more information, please contact Donna R. Phillips for more information.

Donna Phillips

Handbell Choir Director

Donna is a Marriage and Family Therapist with Haven Family Counseling in Louisville, Kentucky and a PCUSA supply minister for the Southern Hills Parish in Northern Clark County, Indiana. A native Kentuckian, Donna graduated from the University of Kentucky with bachelor degrees in Music Education and Music Performance. She also graduated from the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary with master degrees in Divinity and Marriage and Family Therapy. Donna has joyfully served in the music department at Second Presbyterian Church since 1997.

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