Sunday Services: 8:30 am - In-person & communion each Sunday
11:00 am - In-person & Livestream, Communion first Sunday of the month


Since 2014, Second has supported Boniface Juma in his studies toward a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL) at African Bible College in Lilongwe, Malawi. He is scheduled to graduate in June of 2016.n In a recent e-mail to Second Presbyterian, Boniface wrote:

"I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Please extend these thanks to the whole congregation. Tell them that I am appreciating the love and kindness they are showing to me. I am what I am because of God who used you to do what you are doing. As of now the classes are in progress and Thesis writing is also in progress. Graduation will take place on 4th June, 2016. I will late you know how the program will be like. Your prayers and physical help are doing wonders in my life, I will never forget this. The title of my Thesis is (THE ROLE OF CHURCH LEADERS IN DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH MINISTRY)"

God be with you till we meet again,

Yours in Christ,

Boniface P. Juma

Boniface and some friends share a song of praise!

As part of the Capital Campaign in celebration of Second’s 200th Anniversary $31,625 has been designated to fund an addition to the Mngwangwa school in Malawi. Our liaison Robert Chirwa has recently received the below video update and along with the Mission Committee invites you to see how far the work has come.

Video with Sound
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